Chronology of the Project Flow
- European Commission TEMPUS IV First Call for Proposals No. EAC/04/2008.
- Application sent on Monday, April 28, 2008, 2:45 PM, by e-mail, its registration number ETF-JP-00348-2008 got by 5.5.2008, and paper version sent on 15.5.2008. to European Commission, DG Education and Culture, Unit A.5, B-1049 Brussels.
- First results on 66 projects selected - Oct.24, 2008, at number 29 - this project (click here if you would like to see the whole list). By start of the new year, 10 additional projects have been selected from the reserve list (click here if you would like to see those 10 projects).
- Grant signed Nov.27, 2008, Uni-Belgrade, and Dec.15, 2008, Eur.Commission (click here to see the main text of the Grant).
- Instead by Jan.15, 2009, when eligibility period defined in the Grant started and prefinancing amount was promised to arrive, the transfer of the prefinancing amount has been delayed and it finally arrived on August 6, 2009. This has a direct consequence on exchange rates to be applied (see the Confirmation paper on money arrival and question no.78 in the FAQ document from the official TEMPUS site).
- In the meantime, as of April 1, 2009, the European Commission has entrusted management of the fourth phase of the Tempus programme (2007-2013) to the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) and all grant agreements have entirely been transferred to the Agency (click here to see the official Letter).
- By the end of July, 2009, simplified rules for financing management have been introduced (click here to see the official Letter and revised version of Annex 4).
- TEMPUS office in Belgrade - meetings on financial management of the projects
- Intermediate Report was submitted on Thursday July 15th, 2010.
- Intermediate Report approved on August 5th, 2010.
- NTO database on all TEMPUS projects in Serbia, data on this project supplied.
- NTO visits to University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering on November 9th, 2010 and on December 20th, 2011, plus visits to universities of Kragujevac and Nis. NTO visits to German University in Cairo.
- Request for project extension submitted in November 2011.
- Approval of project extension and Amendment to the Grant Agreement. Project extended to January 14th, 2013.
- Final Report submitted on March 14th, 2013.
- Upon request from EACEA, a CD with complete financial documentation scanned was sent on April 24th, 2013.
Meetings (chronology, classification is given on link Documents)
- 2008-12-09 - Belgrade - Rectorate Meeting with National TEMPUS Office (NTO)
- 2009-02-18 - Belgrade - TEMPUS Info Day - FME (NTO)
- 2009-03-19 - Brussels - Representatives Meeting
- 2009-04-03 - Belgrade - Kick-off meeting (in parallel, The World University Presidents Summit was also held in Belgrade, so participants joined Rectors and Nobel prize winners for some happenings and cocktails). Prof.Gabi appeared in prime time news on National TV (see Photo Gallery)
- 2009-06-17 - Belgrade - Lecture on JUPITER conference
- 2009-09-21 - Belgrade - Visit of Munich participant
- 2009-10-29 - Belgrade - HRK (German Rectors' Conference)
- 2009-12-16 - Belgrade - TEMPUS Info Day - FON (NTO)
- 2010-01-24 - London - visit of Kragujevac student
- 2010-01-18 - Cairo - TEMPUS Info Day (NTO)
- 2010-03-01 - Kopaonik, RS, Lecture on TREND conference
- 2010-04-26 - Munich and Karlsruhe - consortium meeting with seminars
- 2010-06-15 - Cairo - consortium meeting with seminar
- 2010-07-16 - Belgrade - Visit of Munich participant
- 2010-10-15 - Kragujevac - meeting on Quality Assurance
- 2010-11-09 - Belgrade - NTO visit
- 2011-02-03 - London - visit of Kragujevac student
- 2011-03-22 - Munich - Visit of Belgrade participant
- 2011-05-20 - Cairo - consortium meeting with ASIIN seminar 1
- 2011-06-25 - London - visit of Kragujevac student
- 2011-07-11 - London - consortium meeting with seminar
- 2011-07-19 - Barcelona - consortium meeting with seminar
- 2011-08-01 - Belgrade - visit of two Kragujevac students
- 2011-09-05 - Serbia (Belgrade consortium meeting with ASIIN seminar 2, Kragujevac and Nis visits)
- 2011-11-04 - Munich - Visit of Belgrade participant
- 2011-11-06 - Slovenia - Visit of Belgrade participant
- 2011-12-20 - Belgrade - NTO visit
- 2012-07-28 - Belgrade - - Visit of Karlsruhe participant
- 2012-09-15 - Belgrade Pupin - visit of two Kragujevac students
- 2012-11-28 - Cairo - Visit of Belgrade and Kragujevac coordinators
- 2012-12-10 - Barcelona - Visit of Belgrade and Kragujevac coordinators
- 2013-01-14 - End of eligibility period for project activities